Do you have a problem of thievery in your house? Well, I do! And the little thieves are named Rikki Tikki Tavi and Awesome Possum.

Actually, Rikki is my biggest thief. Possum is my little clown. I actually should say Possum is my “big” clown. He is at least twice as big as Rikki, both lengthwise and weight-wise.
I’m a barefoot person when I’m in the house. I kick my shoes off in my bedroom and then go do whatever I need to do. When I decide to go outside, I go into my bedroom, and – behold! – my shoes are not where I put them. So the shoe hunt is on! Most of the time, they are under my bed – but not all the time. Then it can take me almost an hour to find them.

Not only do I have to worry about my shoes (and this is embarrassing to tell, but I also have to hunt up my bras. Yep. My bras! The little fuzzies get into my dirty-clothes hamper and dig them out, cart them to my closet or stash them under my bed, and then sleep in them. (I told you it was embarrassing. But, I have to admit, it’s also funny.)
I think ferrets must be kin to pack rats. They really aren’t, but they should be because they hide about everything! They even hide their favorite toys.
Rikki has a plastic frog that used to be my grandchildren’s bath toy. (As you can tell, it’s not now though.) Rikki hides that frog so we can’t get it.
Possum’s favorite toy is a cat toy that was given to him and Rikki by a very close friend. Well, Rikki never gets to play with it because Possum hides it from her. And when Rikki finally does find it . . . Possum hides it again in a new hiding spot.
If you don’t want anything of value taken, don’t put it where little thieves can get it. If you ever watched The Beastmaster, then you remember that the little thieves who stole clothes were Podo and Kodo, two ferrets. And in case you didn’t know, the name “ferret” comes from the Latin word “furonem,” which means “thief.”
So, a warning to all ferret owners: we are doomed to suffer thievery!